Sabbath and Servitude

Sabbath and Servitude

Things My Grandmothers Taught Me People often ask me, “How do you celebrate Sabbath?” My answer to that question varies, but I find myself falling back on this rule of thumb: “If you work with your hands, sabbath with your mind; if you work with your mind, sabbath...
Sabbath and Servitude

Sabbath and Justice

Sister Act I’ve met a lot of wonderful Presbyterian women in the last year at events all over the country. One of the things I’ve heard most consistently has been the remark, “Wow! I didn’t know Sabbath had anything to do with justice.” Well, hear the good news,...
Sabbath and Community

Sabbath and Community

We’re All in This Together Congratulations on reaching the end of the Celebrating Sabbath study! I hope this is not the end of your sabbath celebrations, however. On the contrary—I hope it’s only the beginning of a life-long celebration. Are you wondering how or...
Sabbath and Self-Care

Sabbath and Self-Care

Here lies a woman who always was tired; She lived in a world where too much was required. Could this be your epitaph? Clemmie Churchill loved to quote this couplet to describe what it was like to be married to WWII-era British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. While...
Sabbath and Hospitality

Sabbath and Hospitality

Is Sabbath Selfish? Have you ever caught yourself wondering, “Is Sabbath selfish?” It probably speaks well for you if you have. You take your faith seriously and you try to live up to Paul’s advice to “do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility...