It is the purpose of Western Theological Seminary to form women and men for faithful Christian ministry and participation in the Triune God’s ongoing redemptive work in the world.  Toward this end, WTS  seeks to foster a community of faith and learning that reflects the Kingdom of God, allowing for the flourishing of  all its members in Jesus Christ.  As we strive for this ideal, we acknowledge that because we are sinful individuals we are also a fallen community, influenced by old habits and hidden prejudices. There are times when we harm others through our words, actions, and even institutional policies and traditions.  There are circumstances in which we fail to do justice or love mercy. In such instances, we commit  to face our  wrong-doing; to listen, to talk, to pray, and when we fall short, to confess our sin and accept God’s forgiveness as we seek understanding, justice, healing, and reconciliation.

It is to this end that our Title IX policies and non-discrimination procedures have been developed in alignment with the Department of Education and legal requirements of our state and the vision of our life together.

We seek not only to fulfill requirements of the law, but also by God’s grace and direction, to live and grow as members of a community of faith and learning that seeks to faithfully and fully love God and each other.


WTS Notice of Non-Discrimination

Notice of Non-Discrimination

The seminary does not discriminate in admissions, employment, and educational programs on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, marital status, disability, height, weight, genetic information, and other prohibited characteristics in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws and ordinances.

As a religious institution, the seminary reserves the right to make employment and hiring decisions on the basis of religious criteria, based on the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and various relevant statutes.

Contact Information for inquiries, concerns, and allegations

For inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies and complaints of discrimination, contact:

Rayetta Perez
Title IX Coordinator and Director of Administration and Human Resources
101 East 13th Street
Holland, MI 49423
616 392.8889, ext. 103

Dr. John Brogan
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
101 East 13th Street
Holland, MI 49423
616 392.8889, ext. 192

Western Theological Seminary has also classified most employees as Mandated Reporters, who are required to report any possible violation of this policy that they observe or have knowledge of, even if not reported to them by a Complainant or third-party, to the Title IX Coordinator.  Employees who serve as Confidential Resources are not required to report possible violations (except as needed to comply with the requirements of the Clery Act.)

Inquiries may be made externally to:

Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-1100
Customer Service Hotline #: 800.421.3481
Facsimile: 202.453.6012 TDD#: 877.521.2172
Email: Web:

Michigan Department of Civil Rights
Grand Rapids Office
State Office Building, 4th Floor
350 Ottawa, N.W.
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Phone: 616.356.0380 Web:

For complaints involving employees:

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Detroit Field Office
Patrick V. McNamara Building
477 Michigan Avenue
Room 865
Detroit, MI 48226
United States
Phone: 800.669.4000

Mandatory Reporting and Confidential Resources

All Western Theological Seminary employees (faculty, staff, and administrators), with the exception of Seminary Resolution Advisors (listed below as “Confidential Resources”), are expected to report possible violations of this policy (including possible discrimination, harassment, or retaliation) that they observe or have knowledge of to the Title IX Coordinator.  

In order to make informed choices, it is important to be aware of confidentiality and mandatory reporting requirements when consulting campus resources. 

If a Complainant expects formal action in response to their allegations, reporting to any Mandated Reporter can connect them with resources to report crimes and/or policy violations, and these employees will pass reports to the Title IX Coordinator (and/or the police, if desired by the Complainant) within 24 hours, who will take action when an incident is reported to them.

Confidential Resources

If a Complainant would like the details of an incident to be kept confidential, the Complainant may speak with a Seminary Resolution Advisor. Resolution Advisors may maintain confidentiality – meaning they are not required to report actual or suspected discrimination or harassment to the Title IX Coordinator – thereby offering options and advice without any obligation to inform the Title IX Coordinator unless a Complainant has requested information to be shared.

Resolution Advisors are:

On-campus (WTS employees)


Resilience: Advocates for Ending Violence
24-Hour Help Line 800.848.5991
Español: 866.728.2131

Policy on Discrimination and Harassment

Students, staff, administrators, and faculty are entitled to an employment and educational environment that is free of discriminatory harassment. Western Theological Seminary’s harassment policy is not meant to inhibit or prohibit educational content or discussions inside or outside of the classroom that include germane but controversial or sensitive subject matters protected by academic freedom.

The sections below describe the specific forms of legally prohibited discrimination and harassment that are also prohibited under Western Theological Seminary policy. Discrimination and harassment are prohibited under this policy on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, marital or family status, disability, height, weight, genetic information, and other prohibited characteristics in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws and ordinances, except in the event of a bona fide occupational qualification. When speech or conduct is protected by academic freedom and/or the principles of free speech, it will not be considered a violation of Western Theological Seminary policy, though supportive measures may be offered to those impacted. All policies encompass actual and/or attempted offenses.

Discrimination includes actions that deprive or limit access to education, employment, benefits, or other opportunities and/or treat an individual differently on the basis of actual or perceived membership in a class protected by policy or law (as listed in the categories noted in this policy).

Harassment is defined as unwelcome conduct by any member or group of the community on the basis of actual or perceived membership in a class protected by policy or law.

Western Theological Seminary does not tolerate discriminatory harassment of any WTS community member, including online and sexual harassment.

A hostile environment is one that unreasonably interferes with, limits, or effectively denies an individual’s educational or employment access, benefits, or opportunities.* This discriminatory effect results from harassing verbal, written, graphic, or physical conduct that is so severe or pervasive or persistent that it denies or limits an individual’s access to the education program or activity.

Western Theological Seminary reserves the right to address harassment that 1) does not rise to the level of creating a hostile environment, or 2) that is of a generic nature and not based on a protected status. Addressing such conduct will not result in the imposition of discipline under this policy, but may be addressed through respectful conversation, remedial actions, education, and/or other informal resolution mechanisms.

For assistance with informal resolution techniques and approaches, employees and students should contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Director of Human Resources.

*This definition of hostile environment is based on Federal Register / Vol. 59, No. 47 / Thursday, March 10, 1994: Department of Education Office for Civil Rights, Racial Incidents and Harassment Against Students At Educational Institutions Investigative Guidance.

Complete WTS Policy on Non-Harassment and Non-Discrimination (.pdf)

Download the PDF here.

What is Title IX?

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity. The principal objective of Title IX is to avoid the use of federal money to support sex discrimination in education programs and to provide individual citizens effective protection against those practices.

Title IX applies to any education program operated by a recipient of federal financial assistance. Like most educational institutions, Western Theological Seminary participates in federal student loan programs and is subject to the terms of Title IX.

What does the Title IX Coordinator do?

Title IX Coordinator
The Director of Administration and Human Resources, Rayetta Perez, serves as the Title IX Coordinator and oversees the WTS Policy on Non-Harassment and Non-Discrimination (HDRP). The Title IX Coordinator acts with independence and authority, free of conflicts of interest. The following information is excerpted from the complete HDRP, which can be found here. (link to come)

How to File a Complaint

Reporting Discrimination, Harassment, and/or Retaliation
Reports of discrimination, harassment and/or retaliation may be made using any of the following options.  There is no time limitation on the filing of allegations. However, if the responding party is no longer subject to the WTS jurisdiction, the  ability to investigate, respond, and provide remedies may be more limited:

1) Report directly to the Title IX Coordinator, Rayetta Perez;, or 616.392.8555 x103

2)  Report to any member of the WTS faculty or staff

When considering whom to contact, it is important to be aware of mandatory reporting requirements.

All WTS employees (faculty, staff, and administrators) with the exception of the “Resolution Advisors” named below, are required to report actual or suspected discrimination or harassment to the Title IX Coordinator immediately.  This reporting will be done in such a way that the privacy of all individuals will be protected to the extent permitted by law.

Resolution Advisors may maintain confidentiality – meaning they are not required to report actual or suspected discrimination or harassment to the Title IX Coordinator – thereby offering options and advice without any obligation to inform the Title IX Coordinator unless a reporting party has requested information to be shared.  Resolution Advisors will maintain confidentiality except in extreme cases of immediacy of threat or danger or abuse of a minor.

Resolution Advisors are:

On-campus (WTS employees)

  • Kate Bareman, Associate Director of Student Life,; 616.392.8555 x 142
  • Dr. Tim Basselin, Director of Field Education and Student Life,; 616.392.8555 x141
  • Dr. Chuck DeGroat, Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling,; 616.392.8555 x194
  • Dr. Suzanne McDonald, Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology,; 616.392.8555 x136

Off-campus (non-employees):

All reports are acted upon promptly, while every effort is made by WTS to preserve the privacy of reports. Privacy generally means that information related to a report of misconduct will only be shared with a limited number of individuals.  The use of this information is limited to those WTS employees who “need to know” in order to assist in the review, investigation, or resolution of the report.  These individuals will be discreet and respect the privacy of individuals involved in the process.

Reports may also be anonymous. Anonymous reports will be investigated to determine if remedies can be provided.

Reports of misconduct or discrimination committed by the Title IX Coordinator should be reported to the President of Western Theological Seminary.

Need Assistance?

Our team can help


Dr. John Brogan

Associate Academic Dean, Professor of New Testament, Director of the MDiv and MA Programs